Parents » Discipline Policy

Discipline Policy

At Chaparral we are using a two tier system for communicating with students and parents regarding expected student behaviors on campus both inside and outside the classroom. When level 1 infractions are identified inside the classroom or on the playground, students may receive a Behavior Notice. This notice serves as a warning and time for the student to reflect on target behavior. This notice will come home for parents to sign. The purpose of this notice is to call attention to an undesirable behavior that needs redirection. Behavior Notices are expected to be signed by the parents and then returned to the classroom teacher the next day.
If a behavior is continual and/or the interventions/consequences that have been put in place are not encouraging a student to make better choices, they may receive a Discipline Slip. Discipline Slips are given to students for one of two reasons: repeated level 1 behaviors and/or a level 2 behavior. Level 2 behaviors are of very serious nature. If a child receives a Discipline Slip they will be immediately sent to the office to speak with administration. Parents can expect a call home if a student receives a Discipline Slip. Discipline Slips are expected to be signed by parents and returned to teacher the next day.